Start a new job
- Click the ‘New‘ Button.
- Enter ‘Project Name‘ and ‘Description‘.
- Select a template for the new job. Templates define initial estimate items, Estimate Template, retention rate and default mark-ups.
Add customer/site details
- To enter the customer’s details for the job, expand the Customer section and create a new customer or search for an existing one.
- To enter the site address, expand the Site Address section.
- To enter the initial job status, expand the Status section.
Select Estimate Template
- To select an Estimate Template and enter a retention rate for progress claims, expand the Status section.
Configure Job mark-up
- To configure mark-up for different types of items, expand the Mark-up section.
- Enter mark-up for each resource type.
- Tick ‘Calculate markup for composite rates‘ to calculate the resource type mark-up for items that are based on composite rates (Estimate Template Items) as the total of mark-ups for individual simple rates that constitute these composite rates.
Finalise Job creation
- Click the ‘Create‘ button to create the job.
- The new job will be added to top of the list.