Local Rates

Welcome to our ‘Local Rate’ help guide! Let’s dive into the core of your job estimate – the ‘Rates’ tab. This is where all your local rates live – those specific to your current estimate. You’ll also find your customized composite rates, as well as any global rates you’ve added to the mix. This includes both configurable and composite rates. Plus, the best part is that all rates here can be tweaked and applied to any item in your estimate sheet.

It’s crucial to understand that your local rates operate independently from the items to which they are applied to in the estimate. They can hold specific quantities and measurements to aid calculation, particularly useful for composite rates. Alternatively, they can simply be a straightforward rate carrying a dollar value. The beauty of local rates is their versatility – they offer a layered structure, enabling you to adjust them to your exact needs.

Add a local rate

  1. Go to ‘Rates‘ tab
  2. Click ‘Add
  3. Fill in details for the new rate.

    add a local rate default

Save an existing local rate.

  1. Click in the ‘Rate‘ Cell for an estimate item
  2. Give a name to the item, press enter.

    add a local rate directly to the item
  3. Go to the ‘Rates‘ tab to see the new local rate

    view new local rate

Create a composite local rate

  1. Click in the ‘Rate‘ Cell for an estimate item
  2. Click ‘Composite‘.

    convert to a composite rate
  3. Add items to your composite rate, these can be typed in on the fly or added from your Global Rates or Local Rates.
  4. Set your ‘Quantity‘ based off the parent item in the estimate
  5. Give you items a ‘Rate
  6. Give your composite rate a name.
  7. Click on Estimate, in the breadcrumb to return to the main estimate.

    Configure your composite rate

To navigate within your composite rate, make use of the breadcrumb navigation found at the top of the estimate section. This acts like a roadmap, showing your current position relative to higher-level composite groups. Each part of the breadcrumb represents a different level in the structure, and you can click on any part of it to jump directly to that specific page.

If you’ve moved multiple levels down within the system, the breadcrumb reflects this accurately. Regardless of how deep you’ve dived, you can always click ‘Estimate’ in the breadcrumb to return directly to your main estimate page.

Different Levels of the composite rate can be given a name so they can be saved in your local rates, can be applied to another estimate item.

Use a saved local rate

  1. Select the drop-down on the ‘Rates‘ field for your estimate item
  2. Select the rate that you want to apply.

    add rate to the an existing estimate item

Disconnect from saved local rate

  1. To disconnect from a local rate, focus the item rate and then select the drop-down arrow.
  2. then click the delete (x) icon next to the rate.

    remove a local rate from an estimate item

Delete a local rate

  1. Go to ‘Rates‘ tab
  2. Check the rates that you want to delete.
  3. Click delete (x).

    Delete a saved local rate
Updated on June 19, 2023
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