
Select Cell for tracing

  • To use take-off to calculate the quantity for an item, focus the item on the estimate. The Quantity Calculation for the item will be displayed at the bottom.

  • Your measurement will be presented in the cell highlighted as yellow. You can select other cells such as width and height to also trace measurements.

Trace for selected cell

  • Enable the trace toggle in the takeoff toolbar, if not already.

    Job Estimate - Takeoff - Tracing - Enable

The trace toggle is always activated unless you click the select tool. This means that you can move from cell to cell to perform a takeoff, no need to click the toggle every time.

  • Click the dropdown on the trace toggle. Select the trace type if you need to change it.

    Job Estimate - Takeoff - Tracing - type

This will change the trace tool for all future takeoffs, until you change it.

  • Choose the Line Style (Color). You can change the Line Style later as you trace.

    Job Estimate - Takeoff - Tracing - colour

Measure Item

  • Trace an object on the plan, such as a room, by clicking its corners one by one. To finish tracing, press Enter, click the OK button in the ribbon or click the start point to close the shape.

    Job Estimate - Takeoff - Tracing - Trace Item
  • The measurement will be finalised, the measurement will be reflected in the selected cell in the Quantity Calculation section.

    Job Estimate - Takeoff - Tracing - Trace Value
  • To cancel drawing, press Esc or click the Cancel button.

    To undo last action press Ctrl-Z or click Undo in the Ribbon.

    To redo last undone action, press Ctrl-Y or click Redo in the Ribbon.
Updated on March 11, 2022
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