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Resource Types

Labour, Materials and Equipment are examples of Resource Types. You pick items from the Resource Types lookup list when creating Job Estimate or defining Global Rates.

Resource Types Screen

  1. To open the Resource types, click ‘Resource Types’.

Create a new resource type

  1. To create a new item, click ‘New Type‘.

    Create a new resource type
  2. The New Resource Type Dialog will be displayed. Enter a ‘Name’.
  3. Enter a ‘Short name‘.
  4. Click ‘Save‘.

    enter details for new resource type

Edit a resource type

  1. To edit an existing Resource Type, click the pen icon in the respective row

    Edit a resource type
  2. Change ‘Name‘ if needed
  3. Change ‘Short name‘ if needed
  4. Click ‘Save

delete a resource type

  1. To delete items from the list, tick them
  2. then click ‘Delete‘ (x).
  3. Confirm to delete on the popup.

    Select resource types for deletion
Updated on May 23, 2023
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